New Host

Sorry for another tedious post!

I’ve finally gotten around to moving away from a small Slicehost VPS, to a much beefier one at  So far seems to work well.. please let me know if the site slows down, or has any weird issues!

Thank you.. normal service can now resume.

Finally Updated WordPress

I’ve finally gotten around to upgrading WordPress and giving the site a new theme.

Yet again the control panel has been flipped about, probably the main reason I tend not to offer WordPress for my clients.  I’ve been bitten before! Train the client on the WP Control Panel, a few months later, install the security update and boom I get support calls saying “Hey!  WTF you done!  I cannot find anything”

Deep joy!

Microsoft joining the W3C SVG Working Group

A couple of days ago on the IE Blog, it was announced that Mircrosoft would be joining the W3C SVG Working Group.  So what? I hear you cry!

Why is this important?

SVG or “Scalable Vector Graphics” are, in a nutshell a way to describe scalable graphics using XML, or as the W3C dryly puts it:

SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics and graphical applications in XML

Currently the “modern” browsers (Webkit, Firefox and mostly to give them credit Opera (the great browser nobody uses)) all have pretty decent levels of SVG support.  As always the spawn of Satan IE, lags behind.  Are you surprised? No I didn’t think so.

If in either a patched version of IE8, which compared to previous versions isn’t *that* bad, or in IE9 whenever it appears SVG support is decent, and built in then this means that web developers like me, can start using SVG a hell of a lot more. Mix this in with improved CSS3 support and we can start building accessible as well as interesting websites, without relying on (generally) non-accessible crap like Flash.

A whole wodge of very cool examples of SVG (often sprinkled in with some JavaScript magic) can be found here: (For best results use a modern browser!).


In an effort to give this poor neglected a blog a little kick, I’ve signed up to Project52.  The aim is simple, to post at least one new entry a week for the year ahead.

Future subjects will mostly include ExpressionEngine, tech events, php, work, rants and pointless waffle.

Should be… interesting!